What Our Readers Are Saying
Thank you for sending the copy of the Primer. I already have two copies; however, for the systems engineering staff that I manage, it has been a very informative book to familiarize them with the MBSE process.
William Gleckler
Principal Systems Engineer with New York City Transit
The book is well laid out and provides for an interesting read. I highly recommend this book for those looking for a basic book on systems thinking.
Cort C.
The book could just as easily been entitled "The Hitchhikers Guide to MBSE" to reflect its underlying message of "Don't Panic" and its recurring mantra that reflects Jim's favorite metaphor of "peeling the onion." In true systems engineering style the book argues for both systemic and systematic processes using a design approach that proceeds in an "orderly, logical, and convergent manner" while addressing the totality of the customers' needs.